After you have installed the required update and downloadable content, you must complete the mission 'My First Gun' in Windshear Waste, if you have not already done so.How do I access DLC in 'Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep?' Powerful new 'Ancient' E-Tech relics and rare Pearlescent-grade weapons can be picked up in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.Characters gain a skill point with every level from 51 to 61, for a total of 11 more skill points.Raises level cap to 61, allowing characters to gain 11 additional levels.Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack (Free with Season Pass, $4.99 / 400 Microsoft Points separately).
What's in the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack? You've got Borderlands 2 questions? Well, we have some sexy Borderlands 2 answers.